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The Farm...
MR Goatfeathers


My husband and I started with Goats in the Spring of 2015 and quickly became addicted! We considered different breeds and decided on the Nigerian Dwarf goat. We knew we wanted chickens for fresh eggs and milk for us, so the chickens and goats started our adventure and the farm MR Goatfeathers came into existence. We thought we just wanted a few as pets and land clearing, but I jumped in with both feet!  I attended a dairy goat show before we purchased our first goats and was so excited to learn about showing and educating myself on the dairy goat.  We bought 3 sweet girls (1 registered and 2 pets), and it has been a continuous learning experience and a fun ride as well.  Our first doe to kid was September 2016 with triplets does!  We milked Tootsie for an entire year and started experimenting with her milk with yogurt, cheeses and soap for our family.  In 2017 we began the sister part of our farm with Embuzi Soap Company.


The Mission...
Embuzi Soap Company LLC



My mantra has been to remember "Life is a ride, jump on, enjoy and find a way to help others," so... I wanted to learn to make goat milk soap for my family and to give away to friends. Our youngest son has battled eczema all of his life, and I had read how goat milk products were good for the skin! We started way late as he had just left for college.

At the beginning of this adventure my friend was a missionary, so during a conversation I talked to her about my plan for soap. Kim wanted to help and possibly figure a way to use what we learned to help the local women in Uganda (one of the locations of her mission trips) to make soap as a means of support.  We decided to partner together and turn a hobby into a business using our profits to support the mission projects that are close to our hearts. If we were going to have a business then we needed a name. Embuzi is the Luganda word for goat and since missions was our reason to start…

Embuzi Soap Company was born!  We thank you for supporting us!  Your purchase provides funds for medical missions, youth missions, animal rescue and individual mission trips.

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